Monday, September 22, 2008


"All we are give peace a chance..." This was my ringtone for a few weeks until it started to drive me nuts. Further proof that in times rife with Republican-driven tension, even John Lennon can make a person batty. I remind myself that there are people out there battier than myself, and kinder, and also wiser and more honest, like my mother, and my sister, and Anne Lamott. But as each one of these women have been fond of saying--especially when the herd seems like it's all in a big frenzy, and everywhere you look teeth grit and grip in snarl, and dust billows from thunderous hooves, and foam lathers in the corners of curled lips, ready with the next vociferous reproach--these are the times we have to remember, as my mother, and my sister, and Annie, have all reminded me, that that's the great thign about us all being part of the same tribe: we can't all go crazy on the same day. Or something like that. When one of my colleagues, deeply fearful of the coming election, goes door to door throughout the high country registering voters--or getting doors slammed in her face, which I absolutely cannot believe, and for this reason am glad I am not along with her, because I think that if I saw just one snide, angry, nasty person--or at least snide, angry and nasty for that moment; like all of us, they're probably generally sane, and kind, and good--I would probably beat on their door until they opened it, and then punch them in the face, or stomp on their foot, or throw dirt at them, or enact some other violence that would likely get me arrested and do my colleagues work no further good. And this is why she is knocking on doors, and I am writing blog posts.

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